Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Blue Division - see the top Five...

The Crab is now safely encamped in Manchester Uni after two weeks of being a tourist over Europe and southern England but is yet to work out if all is well here in Lacrosse Land.

Despite the fact that the opening game is 'meant' to be about 20 hours away, I am still not sure if the Iroquois have been able to leave the US or not.

As you might know there is currently a massive amount of what is best loosely described as visa bollocks in regards to if the team is allowed to travel using their Iroquois passports or not.

In VERY brief summary

UK Types - Hmmm, not seen these passports before. Can the US State Dept just confirm they accept them?
US State Dept - No.
Lacrosse Types - WTF?
US State Dept - Okay, how about we issue some US passports on a fast track and the team can travel on those
Iroquois - What? And reject our own sovereign nation status? No

So as I currently understand it (and largely reading from all the same sources that you kids currently are), the team is coming but is highly unlikely to play in tomorrow night's game.

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